For my second project, I want to give the viewer the experience of Disney. As someone who loves Disney and is frequently at the parks, I know how overwhelming it can be to a person who perhaps does not get to go as much as someone like me gets to. Disney gives people a magical feeling but there is always the sense of not being able to see absolutely everything which can be discouraging and overwhelming.
My installation will include different clips of my trips to Disney going on at the same time. These clips will be from different days and from different parks. As well as clips I will be flashing images taken from either PhotoPass Photographers and photos that are taken when you automatically ride the rides. These images will be projected onto various Disney merchandise that I own to also represent that as the countless things to do at the parks, there is also countless amounts of merchandise to see as well.
Materials: Projector
Disney picture frames (holds 3 pictures)
Disney shirts
Disney dress
Mickey Ears
Small end table
Feb.14th- Edit video clips together
Feb. 15th- Edit video clips together
Feb.16th- Edit video clips together
Feb.17th- Edit video clips together
Have video clips edited together ready to go in MadMapper
Feb 19th-26th- Project videos on objects and begin putting projection together using MadMapper and black box
Feb. 27th- Have project prepared to present by the 28th.